Amelia County
Article ItemNo-Till Drill Rentals , article
Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District

The Amelia County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension is your local connection to Virginia's land-grant universities, Virginia Tech and Virginia State University. Through educational programs based on research and developed with input from local stakeholders, we help the people of Amelia County improve their lives. We provide education through programs in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, 4-H Youth Development, and Community Viability.
Amelia County VCE Newsletter
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Information on the latest webinars (online programs and presentations) will be updated as they become available. Thank you for your patience and interest in Extension's education efforts.
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Virginia Food Access Network (VFAN)
The Virginia Food Access Network (VFAN) accelerates efforts, connects partners, and shares resources to solve child hunger in Virginia and create nutritious food access for all Virginians.
Were you a 4-H member? Did you attend 4-H camp? Or maybe you were a 4-H volunteer? Identify as a 4-H alum, and represent your 4-H state: